
10 Anti Corruption Principles for State-owned Enterprises

The 10 Anti-Corruption Principles for State-Owned Enterprises help state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to implement anti-corruption programmes based on the highest standards of integrity and transparency. This tool sets out 10 best-practice principles on how SOEs can develop policies and procedures to counter corruption. In particular, they emphasise the role of corporate governance in providing accountability to stakeholders through transparency and public reporting.

The SOE principles were developed through a multi-stakeholder process where Transparency International sought advice and recommendations from SOEs themselves, its chapters, academics and governance experts from around the world. They are aligned to the Business Principles for Countering Bribery, which were launched by Transparency International in 2003 and last updated in 2013. They have contributed significantly to shaping corporate anti-bribery practice.

Accompanying resources:
- State-Owned Enterprises: Beacons of Integrity?, a paper that makes the case for implementing the principles.
- A Self-assessment tool for SOEs on anti-corruption practices.

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