
ecoDa: CS3D - How to make it happen?

online | 31. maj 2024 | 11.00 - 12.00

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive: How to make it happen?

After extensive political negotiations, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive has just been adopted in Plenary by the European Parliament. In order for board members to have a clear understanding of what is left in the text and how it will impact their strategic decisions, A&O Shearman and ecoDa are hosting a webinar with legal experts to decipher the text and allow board members to prepare for its implementation.

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive establishes a legal framework for mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence obligations for companies operating in the European Union.

During this webinar, our experts will shed light on:
1. Understanding the obligations and practical steps required for compliance with the CS3D;
2. Analysing the interaction with the CSRD;
3. Understanding how the European directive will interact with similar national texts;
4. Q&A Session

Confirmed speakers :
- Gauthier Van Thuyne, Partner, A&O Shearman, Belgian Environment and Public Law team;
- Axel De Backer, Partner, A&O Shearman, Belgian Banking Financial Services Regulatory;
- Jochem Spaans, Partner, A&O Shearman, Dutch Environment & Public Law team;
- Moderator: Jeroen Hooijer, Adviser to ecoDa board.

This webinar will provide valuable insights for board members, investors, and stakeholders.

WEBINAR poteka v organizaciji ecoDa, katere član je tudi Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije. Webinar poteka v angleškem jeziku in je za člane ZNS brezplačen.



Aktualni dogodki

Postanite član ZNS in si zagotovite številne prednosti:

  • vse strokovne vire, ki so potrebni za vaše delo,
  • gradiva in posnetke izobraževanj,
  • hitro strokovno pomoč in dostop do zbirke pravnih nasvetov,
  • obveščanje o domačih in mednarodnih novostih, strokovnih stališčih ZNS, odprtih javnih pozivih za članstvo v nadzornih svetih ali komisijah,
  • udeležba na brezplačnih članskih dogodkih in znižana kotizacije za izobraževanja.

Člane spodbujamo k strokovnemu razvoju in spoštovanju profesionalne etike.

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Združenje nadzornikov Slovenije v številkah 2023




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